Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Roast

Mochapocalyse Roast Malt - Brewer's Sunday Roast 

Brew: Brewers do things differently. The traditional Sunday roast is no exception.

Recently I met a guy who is just as batshit insane passionate about coffee as I am about beer. Working in one of Sydney's top coffee houses, he told me about his self built coffee roasting setup, mapping the temperature gradient of the roast and the characteristics achieved in the coffee by doing so. The cogs started turning, ideas started flowing, so I went along (with a few kilos of barley) to check it all out.

Before heading along, I had a few ideas for malt roasts with coffee I wanted to try, to add to the couple of custom malt roasts I do already. After listening about the coffee roasting process, and realising that the same fundamental processes occur as in toasting malts, it was time to try out my ideas...

The outcome: Two different barley roasts. The first is the Mochapocalypse malt shown above, a very chocolatey smooth coffee roast, and Brewer's Blend 43, with a much sharper coffee tone. Unfortunately I can't be absolutely sure until I let them breathe for a week or so and then try them out. It will be tough, forcing myself to test the resulting beer... but someone's got to do it.

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